Free New York

Every week at 2:00 AM
Late Sunday Night / Early Monday Morning
Channel 67 Time Warner Cable
Channel 85 RCN
Channel 36 Verizon FiOS
Manhattan, New York City

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Episode #994: Real Life Doesn't Always Make Sense
First Broadcast: 7/22/24
We recorded this episode only one day after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13, 2024, and about all we knew at the time was that Trump survived with minor injuries, and that the alleged shooter was dead, having been shot & killed by the Secret Service after the attempt. We didn't know what exactly was going to happen at the Republican National Convention that following week, and we sure didn't know who exactly was going to be Trump's Vice Presidential nominee, so there was only so much we could discuss that would remain timely. Since the alleged shooter used an AR-15 type rifle to commit his crime, I think this is yet one more reason why these types of weapons should be banned nationwide, but you'll probably never hear today's Republicans advocating for that, even after the head of their party was nearly killed by someone using one of them. On top of that, even though the alleged shooter was a registered Republican who shot at a Republican candidate at a Republican rally full of an audience of Republicans, somehow Republicans are trying to blame all this on Democrats--which is absurd, especially considering that Trump and his supporters have been way more bloodthirsty talking about their opponents than today's Democrats have ever been, so in that sense it shouldn't surprise them that some of the hate they've been promoting is now turning itself on them. Then again, logic has never been Trump supporters' strong suit. Why can't more people be like the late Dr. Ruth, one of the most empathetic people who ever lived? Listen to one of her old radio shows to hear what we've lost! I hope we don't lose anything else in the meantime!

Visit our new multimedia page for a smattering of videos that have appeared on Free New York at one point or another. See what you're missing if you don't have cable!

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Click here for the Past Episodes Index.

So, what is Free New York anyway? The simple answer is that it's a this neat little public access TV show on Manhattan Neighborhood Network which I co-produce with the tremendous help of my camerawoman/editor/everything else, Kim. The complicated answer is that it's a project of mine to broadcast opinions and events which don't always appear within "the mainstream media" (like The New York Times, the major networks, local radio, etc.), and so far I think it's been working.

If you think I'm doing a good job--or not--and you feel like sending me snail mail, the address is:

Free New York
P.O. Box 20945
Tompkins Square Station
New York, NY 10009

You can also email me at, which should get to me a lot faster than the snail mail.

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